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Your Body Weight is Reduced by as Much as 90%

On average, a ThermaPool user enjoys a reduction of as much as 90% of their body weight reduced within the buoyancy of deep warm water. This means when a user performs an exercise in a ThermaPool they do not have to burden themselves with 90% of their body weight - allowing them to focus on one area of the body at a time without added stress a ssociated with dry-land exercises.

Virtually every movement made on dry land has the added burden of the body's weight. Walking, climbing stairs, getting out of a chair, it all has to be done with the added weight of a person's body. Yet these very same movements, performed in a therapy pool are done without that body weight placing a burden on the effort. This is an ideal arrangement for some one with injured muscles, bones or joints. But when some one with an ailment tries to do exercises to rebuild that injured body part on dry land, they have the added stress of their body weight bearing done on the injury. In a ThermaPool, that burden is lifted by as much as 90%.

Doctors have long heralded the value of aquatic therapy. But only in the last 20 years have insurance companies started to recognize aqua therapy as a viable alternative to medicine. In fact, many of today's insurance companies are seeing a dramatic rise in the use of aqua therapy for the sole purpose that it works and reduces long term medical expenses.

Aquatic Therapy - A Recognized Cure

It is important to understand the benefits of not just aquatic therapy, but deep warm water therapy. Standing in two feet of warm water, as is found in standard spas, is not effective aquatic therapy. Portable spas have there purpose. But our therapy pool users need to have ample room to move, walk, stretch, squat and so much more. And they have found traditional pools and spas too limited and too expensive.

Bernadette Scarduzio refused to allow her disease to define her. Diagnosed with an ever-debilitating nerve disorder, Bernadette is not able to walk for very long on dry land. But in her ThermaPool she can perform miracles. Here is a chance to not only be inspired, but if you purchase through her website link, you can save money and donate to her fight.

Learn more about the Bernadette Scarduzio >>>

Important: To properly receive this discount and the donation receipt, you must follow the email links on Scarduzio's website to pre-qualify.

A ThermaPool Success Story

Did You Know a ThermaPool May be Tax Deductible?

A ThermaPool can qualify for a tax deduction for the following reasons; it is not considered a home improvement, and, if the whole purpose of the pool is for doctor prescribed therapy only, then it meets the standards under IRS form number 502.

Learn More about this >>>.

Did You Know a ThermaPool Offers Financing Options?

We know how important a ThermaPool can be for our customers. As such, we have done our very best to make it as affordable as possible while still manitaining the necessary quality for it to do its job. But we also scoured the financial world to provide multiple financing options. These of course vary by the individual needs of each buyer. Learn More about this >>>.