Driving for Aquatic Therapy Gets Less and Less Practical
Logic would dictate that driving to a local warm water therapy pool is far less expensive than buying one. These days, that choice is becoming less practical.
Finding a Pool. This has become a major hassle for patients whose doctors are prescribing aquatic therapy. Deep warm water pools are either not avialable in local areas or they are so over-crowded that getting time to have aquatic therapy is very hard and never convenient.
Driving There. This too is a hassle. Gas is becoming more and more expensive. And, in many cases, driving there and back is another source of frustration. In the case of one customer, the drive to the facility aggravated his pain so much that it became an obstacle. But once he arrived at the facility he felt much better - only to have the pain return upon his drive back.
Cars are Not Low Impact. Automobiles are not environmentally friendly at all. Since the focus of our therapy pool is to have as little impact on your wallet as well as the environment, comparing it to driving is a fair comparison.
"My husband T.J. and I, Melodie Langstraat, have told everybody we know about the many benefits our son, Tayson, 7 years old, was getting from your Therapy pool we purchased. Our family of four lived in in the community of Lynden, WA. and were determined to help Tayson get better. He was born with Spinal Muscular Atrophy and needed exercise to keep his body from wasting away. We decided swimming was the way to go and after researching numerous pools they decided the best value was through www.thermapool.com. Tayson made steady progress swimming in the pool we set up in our house."
"For four years he regularly used the pool until we joined the local fitness club where T.J. and I both can swim together with Tayson and enjoy other activities offered. But we did not waste the therapy pool we had purchased. In discussing options for our friend's son, Jensen, a partial quadriplegic, resulting from an aggressive spinal cord tumor, we decided to loan our pool. Jensen was losing muscle mass at a rapid rate and needed something to stimulate his body. I was quick to point out how much we loved our pool and the many benefits swimming provided Tayson. So we offered to let them use it knowing how much it would help Jensen. We were excited at the thought of being able to let Jensen exercise his ravaged body at any time of the day in the comfort of their own home. We recently helped them install it in their garage and are looking forward to hear about his progress."
Recycling a ThermaPool Saves the Environment and Others
So yes a ThermaPool has a low impact on the enviroment, but a high impact on the users. Click Here to Learn More >>>